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Results for "keyword: "social""
Anniversary of Liberation Theology An opportunity to remember that the Gospels give preference to the marginalized, despised, and defenseless.
Anniversary of the Signing of the Social Security Act (PDP) The anniversary of the federal law which provides retirement benefits, disability insurance, and support for the disadvantaged.
Transgender Awareness Week and Day of Remembrance Honoring the transgender community while recognizing the high rates of violence they face.
Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" Speech (PDP) Remembering a pivotal point in the civil rights movement that addressed the need to break the chains of discrimination.
Birthday of Bob Dylan (PDP) Honoring the Nobel laureate and folk-music innovator whose songs are adaptable to any movement for progress.
Megan McKenna in And Morning Came Widows and orphans are to be revered
Practicing Diversity Two prayers, three thoughts to contemplate, and a Buddhist practice to honor the dignity of differences and pave the way to a genuine feeling of unity with others.
Swearing Off Snark An exercise for breaking the cycle of unkind, vain, or foolish conversation.
You Are What You Give Daily ways to give to charities and others.
Howard Thurman in A Strange Freedom You must lay your lives on the altar